Friday, February 5, 2010

Method Hand Wash Vs Dish Soap What Is The Best Method Of Hand Washing And Drying For Food Factory Workers?

What is the best method of hand washing and drying for food factory workers? - method hand wash vs dish soap

I work in the office of food manufacturers are very careful about cleanliness. His method of cleaning the hands before and after the completion of the facility consists of a stainless steel sink, large valley near the entrance / exit doors. Above each recipient are three distributors of hand soap that contains each of the scrub, soap, disinfectant soap and moisturizer. It is a lever in accordance with the keys under the sink. It controls the flow of water and worked with the support of the knees.

To avoid contamination of any part of the basin, is touched with the hands. The procedure for entry and exit of the plant is to wash wash your hands and wrists with soap and rub the water first, second with a disinfectant soap and good to finally wash, to wash themselves with soap and moisturizing spĆ¼len. Hand dryer towels and electricity are used for drying hands. Hairnets, hats and costumes are also sterile.


Highland... said...

I'm going with angel1902!

I also note that the UK use it as a nail brush to the HSE report and discouraged because they harbor germs!

taketwo said...

Hot Fan

Anonymous said...

The valves do not affect work on a sensor that changes in the water. The hands are washed with hot water, then dry with paper towels that will be deleted without pedal bin at the bottom.
Alcohol gel is rubbed on the hands, this must be done before with you and give you leave the field of food production.
Strictly in the factories to take a sample of his hands, for the analysis of microbiology laboratory.

retep g said...

The answer is obvious, you need warm water and soap and paper towels to dry your hands. The garbage must be placed outside the pool area as spread germs by the shooter. Towel rolls are unnecessary, as the port of germs and the dryer hot recycling only the germs in the air.

chefgril... said...

They should wash their hands for 30 seconds in hot soapy water, rinse and dry it. Simplest is to sing the Happy Birthday song to wash away.

suckaslu... said...

I do not know when or you hear me say

real_swe... said...

I worked food service for many years. The correct method in the state of Illinois is ......

Spread with a roll of paper towels. Let the dealer. Turn the hot water. Get your hands and arms (half-way elbow) wet. Foam soap. Use a nail brush to clean nails. Rub your hands and arms for 30 seconds or more. Rinse. Stop running water. Tire Dealers and towels for drying hands. Use a towel to turn off the faucet and open the door when a door. Throw in the towel.

Chef Grill is located directly on the song Happy Birthday. If you sing while washing you that the appropriate amount of time, were eliminated.

If everyone knew how they should wash their hands properly, we e-coli in our spinach.

Ivyvine said...

Moreover, what people have said, would be a good idea to have anti-bacterial towels are available on the desktop.

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