Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hcv More Condition_symptoms How Long Does It Take HCV To Show Up On A Test?

How long does it take HCV to show up on a test? - hcv more condition_symptoms

How long does it take to HCV seem to be on a test? I got into a fight and had blood contact with blood. How long should I know?


cindy132... said...

The short answer is 2-24 weeks. If you are an anti-HCV is positive, then you need to see a viral load if they spontaneously disappeared. Approximately 15-20% of those infected clear the virus themselves. The rest goes to a chronic infection. A website is great:
Hope this helps.

Stephani... said...

the average is around 50 days from the date of potential exposure.

Of course, you get tested if you notice any strange symptoms immediately!

Travis said...

3 months for most people

up to 6 months for people who use drugs (iv users) or do people on chemotherapy or difficiency certainly rare diseases.

U look like a healthy young adults, so it takes up to 3

One more thing has

these people have HCV ... Heres an answer .. know what they're talking

uunknown... said...

IM not sure if this helps, but
I work in the field of health and click on me with a needle before a patient with HCV. It was about four years ago, and I never have the virus.
I hope you feel a little better
Heres some info:
, No sexual contact with an infected person households in May represent a low risk of direct contact with blood or apparent, such as sharing toothbrushes.
HCV causes the blood that the body can produce antibodies (anti-HCV) are measured to determine whether a person is infected. Antibody tests are sensitive, detecting antibodies to HCV in 97% of infected people, but they often give false positives, so that a positive result should be followed by a more specific test such as recombinant immunoblot to confirm infection. Neither test tells you whether an infection is new or old, or if the virus stays in the blood. RNA measured in blood, but these tests are not completely reliable and are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration --on. An increase in the cells of the liver enzymes in the blood can indicate the occurrence of acute hepatitis C.
The question is: is the person living with HIV for HCV at the time and has no open wounds, perhaps something in the blood
If not, then I think, has to worry much.
I work in the field of health and click on me with a needle before a patient with HCV. It was about four years ago, and I never have the virus.
I hope you feel a little better

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